Work packages and Tasks
WP1 (Led by Birmingham City University): Data analysis and augmentation
• Task 1.1: Create a training time data augmentation method to generate synthetic data tailored to O-RAN networks.
• Task 1.2: Validate data augmentation techniques through empirical evaluation.
• Task 1.3: Identify security requirements and threat models for ML-based xApps in Near RT O-RAN networks.
WP2 (Led by University of Leeds): Resource allocation
• Task 2.1: Develop optimization algorithms for dynamic resource allocation in O-RAN environments, leveraging real-time workload and performance metrics of xApps.
• Task 2.2: Implement resource monitoring and management functionalities within DT environments.
• Task 2.3: Evaluate the performance and efficiency of allocation strategies through simulation and experimentation.
WP3 (Led by University of Surrey): Testbed, simulation and demonstration
• Task 3.1: Design simulation scenarios replicating real-world O-RAN network conditions and user interactions.
• Task 3.2: Develop demonstration scenarios and evaluate ML-based resource allocation xApp for various subscribed xApps in ORAN TWIN environments.